optimized user experience
optimized user experience

Positive customer experience

The positive customer experience, is the experience that everyone dreams about. An experience where everything is pleasant, clear, simple and quick.
An experience that offers customers a product or service that is innovative, attractive, high quality...
An experience that takes into account the expectations, needs and habits of customers on a daily basis.

An experience that perfectly meets customers’ requirements by anticipating the needs of the next generation of customers. 

For the customer experience to be seen as positive, you cannot just focus on the quality of it in the context of a one-off satisfaction survey or at the design stage.

The company should control the quality of the customers’ experience by continuously evaluating and optimising it in a comprehensive and objective manner.

The customer experience is constantly evolving.
It is mobile, omnichannel, digital, phygital, cross-device...

The reality of this experience is virtual or augmented


These new customer experiences are developing at a rapid pace
It is therefore very important to continuously improve the quality of physical and digital environments to provide a positive customer experience.


Regardless of the number and types of channels, physical or virtual, the customer thinks in terms of the overall experience and judges its quality on the ease and speed with which they reach their goal. The customer should not have to go through a disruptive experience.


Computers, tablets, smartphones, smart TVs, smart terminals, connected cars... Despite this wide range of mediums and user scenarios, the customer wishes to enjoy a simple, consistent, seamless and fluid experience.

Creating a positive customer experience has to be a constant and primary objective due to the numerous advantages and benefits it brings to the company. This requires the active involvement of all those who contribute to this core objective.


Designed to support this objective, UXOP developed UXPack an innovative and attractive solution that removes the most common obstacles preventing companies from adopting a "truly" customer experience focused strategy. 


UXPACK is a solution that is dedicated to the digital customer experience although its model can be easily and logically applied to all customer experiences... 

Dans le cadre de sa stratégie, de son développement et de son partenariat avec Harris Interactive, CXPower devient UXOP

UX & CX News !

La DRH, Un laboratoire pour tester le déploiement de l’IA ?


Il existe des cas d’application réalistes, simples et peu couteux qu’un DRH peut  tester dès à présent pour appréhender l’apport de l’IA à la gestion des Ressources Humaines. Certains DRH commencent d’ailleurs à développer leur propre feuille de route sur ce sujet.

Voici quelques pistes :


  1. Expérimenter l’Intelligence Artificielle en mettant en place un chatbot 

Les chatbots sont déjà bien présents dans nos vies en tant que consommateurs, et ils commencent à apparaître sur les lieux de travail. Plutôt que de vous contenter de lire sur ce phénomène, pourquoi ne pas accueillir un chatbot comme  nouveau membre au sein de l’équipe RH ?

Il représente une nouvelle façon de travailler en utilisant le langage naturel  (NLP- Natural Langage Processing) pour planifier des réunions, générer des documents et répondre aux questions.

Pourquoi ne pas mettre en place une approche ‘Test and Learn’ sur le déploiement d’un chatbot pour comprendre la puissance de l’IA sur les changements de comportements ?

forbes.fr 2 avril 2019